Newsong Ministries for Women
partnering with the 8th Day Community
New Song ministries has immersed women in spiritual formation for the past fifteen years. Offering a place of safety, accountability, and leadership training, New Song continues to have a unique role in meeting the needs of women. New Song Ministries will have an affiliate or partner role in the 8th Day Community, providing much needed nurture and support for those women in the 8th Day Institute and the broader community. Maryanne Reed, who is founder and director of this ministry, has an expansive vision for New Song. The 8th Day Community is proud to have New Song Ministries as a community partner.
From Maryanne Reed:
This year we look forward to gathering together, intricately weaving worship, study of Scripture, prayer and teachings on specific women's issues of brokenness into the tapestry of your life.
Newsong is a ministry of encouragement for women seeking healing from damaged emotions. Women choosing to participate in New Song are often suffering similar responses to hurtful pasts or present difficulties. Depression, anxiety, suicide tendencies, fear of people, places and thing as well as various addictions – chemical dependency, eating disorders, sexual addiction, and relationship failures. There are women who may not see God as a Compassionate Father, a God in whom they can trust. Many are not familiar with the sufferings of Christ or the powerful indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We refer to the transformational process of healing and change as being an incredible "Trust Trip!"
Your decision to enter into New Song takes a willingness to embrace change and courage to share your journey with others. We commend you for your courage, as the desired changes in your life will only come from an open and honest heart willing to share your story.
We look forward to the upcoming year and are always blessed to witness God's Eternal Touch and lavish outpouring of love showered upon the many women of New Song obedient in their transformational journey of hope.
Values and Activities
- Confidentiality
- Sharing
- Responsibility
- The Lord's Supper
- Teaching
- Study and Meditation
- Prayer
New Song meets on Monday evenings at Roosevelt Community Church on Alabama Street starting at 6:30pm. Contact MaryAnne Reed at or follow this link to Roosevelt Community Church for more information.