
8th Day Community  news and happenings

The 8th Day Community encourages the intersection of our faith and the arts. With that in mind we have created an online forum for local artists to converse over key issues of artistic life and faith. This forum may develop into a local arts related "in-person" group for dialogue and "brain-storming." Look for seasonal art shows around the Church calendar sponsored by 8th Day and hosted at the 8th Day Building.

To sign-up for our email newsletter Rhythms, fill in your email address to the right of this page and fill out your profile and you will be signed up!

Visit our Newsletter Archives for past issues of Rhythms here.

        Prodigal beginning of the year "kick-off" for 2017 - 2018

Thursday October 12th, 6:30pm-9pm at The Landings at Colony Wharf    

For more information  Dr. Dale Pollard at, or by cell at 360-201-3957.

Hear Dr. Pollard's message presenting 8th Day at King Mountain Church in Bellingham on March 15th. Richard Myers is also featured in the sermon. 

Contact Carolyn Roy at Northlake Community Church for more information or Dr. Dale Pollard at

Prodigal Men's Ministries will be starting another Prodigal Group at Hillcrest Chapel this Spring of '09. Look for more details in the Prodigal section of the website.

Read Dale Pollard's article in the Other Journal.

Link to Rhythms of Living - Exploring Spiritual Practices at Bakke Graduate University this April of 2009 led by Dr. Dale Pollard.






Bellingham Herald Article about the  8th Day Community


HURT Art Show

The 8th Day Community is sponsering an art show at the 8th Day Building entitled HURT from November 7th to 22nd. Lucy Shaw is featured on Saturday November 15th from 7-9pm for a reading of her poetry.